Nutrition – what kind of fruits are good for you?
Everyday we like a apple or banana do you realize fruit also can improve certain situation.
l Construction-If you’re working on construction field lots of physical heavy work that you better to eat persimmon and orange. Persimmons include plenty iron element which stimulate RBC produces. Orange might to clean out air pollution.
l Sports- Pineapple is good for athlete , Pineapple can improve blood circulation and relieve inflammation so that accelerate recover time after sprain . Banana be able to relieve pressure so it’s also good for service field.
l IT- if you ‘ve been working in front of computer or LCD ,do you easily feel dry of eyes ,you ought to eat pear which has sufficient Vitamin A ,E, and B2 .
l Cosmetic- Lady has to make up everyday ,but do you know how to maintain skin flexible , Mango has plenty enzyme , so beautiful lady ought to eat mango .